
Friday, March 30, 2012


The Arts & Facts Podcast is having their first giveaway!

We have several talented artists from the school and Utah Valley, in general, who have willingly donated prints.

This will be a drawing giveaway and there are four different ways you can enter:

1. Follow the blog publicly
3. Comment on any of the episodes that are up
before April 14th (can comment twice for two entries)

Travis Lovell: Photographer (and UVU professor) 

Kenna Reiske: Illustrator and Arts & Facts Podcaster
*Kenna has put both prints up for the choice of the winner of her print

Check out their websites and remember that you can have up to four entries in the drawing!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Episode 25: The Davids

Donatello, Michelangelo, and Bernini are three master sculptors from three very different times. One thing they have in common? Subject matter. During all of their times, religous topics were well loved by patrons, including the story of David. As in David and Goliath.

There are a few differences in their approaches, including what moment of the story they depict, how David seems to feel about it, and in what manner to emphasis his youth.

Donatello, David, c. 1440

Michelangelo, David, 1504

Bernini, David, 1623-24

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Episode 24: Art Nouveau

To listen to this episode on click here.

Art Nouveau is a style that was popular between 1890 and 1910 (though it still has great influence on artists today). It came from the British art movement called the Arts and Crafts movement, which praised traditional craftsmanship over mass-produced items of the industrial revolution. 
Tassel House, Belgium by Victor Horta

Gaudi, Barcelona, Spain

Tiffany Lamps

Example of Art Nouveau jewelry

Metro Entrance, Paris
Klimt, The Kiss, 1907-08

Art Nouveau is a highly decorative style and spans across all kinds of mediums including architecture, graphic arts, jewelry, clothing, and home furnishings. Art Nouveau travelled across Europe as a movement, and because of this each country/region has a slightly different take on the style, reflecting their own culture and history in their applications. Wherever you go, though, Art Nouveau tends to be very flowery, decorative, using many curved and organic lines. 
Mucha was Sarah Bernhardt's primary artist

One of the best examples of Art Nouveau, as well as one of the most iconic artists for this artistic movement, is Alphonse Mucha. His work is generally made up of the female figure usually set with a decorative, usually circular, background. His pictures are full of grace and whimsical organic forms, and they continue to influence contemporary artists today.
A'shop, Our Lady of Grace, 2011

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Episode 23: What you'll see at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

Located on the Mall in Washington, D.C., the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden hosts some of the best examples of modern art in the United States. Mary and Kenna talk about what can be seen there, both permanent pieces and rotating exhibits.
The ignominious "donut" building.

View of the Hirshhorn from the center ground level, much prettier

Rodin's Burghers of Calais

Finished Blue Nude on the left, which the sculpture on the right used as a reference. 
Both by Henri Matisse

Giacometti's Walking Man I

Moore's Family Group

Dan Flavin's "untilted (to Helga and Carlo, with respect and affection)" (1974) 

Nira Pereg 67 Bows

Andy Warhol Shadows

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Episode 22: Cindy Sherman

Cindy Sherman is a major female photographer of our day. She is from the East Coast and is most known for her Untitled Film stills: a series of black and white images that are a mimic of film stills from b-grade films that don't exist.

These first two images are favorites of Marie's and Mary's (Number 14 and 35, respectively)

Untitled Film Stills # 14

Untitled Film Stills #35
Untitled Film Stills no. 37
Untitled Film Stills no. 13

Untitled Film Stills no. 3

Untitled Film Stills no.6

Untitled Film Stills no.21

Many of these images were shot by someone else, but directed by Cindy Sherman herself. She did her own propping, costuming, and makeup so that she would look different each time.

And because we love it when people cleverly mimic:

Just a little Bratz to brighten your day!

If you have topics in art history you're just itching to hear more about, leave us a comment or email us at: