
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Episode 16: Lady Gaga and Andy Warhol

After our little break, we're happy to bring you what may be the most epic episode yet! Mary and Marie decided it was high time to combine pop art and pop culture into something fantastic... or at least insane.

Andy Warhol and Lady Gaga... the episode talks about what we found similar in what Andy did and what Lady Gaga is currently doing. There are more similarities than you might think at first.

There is definitely a questioning of what's popular in our culture based on consumerism coming from both. (Can anyone tell why the picture of Lady Gaga above is Mary's favorite fashion statement of hers???)

Both Warhol and Gaga had/have a tendency to question fashion, fame, and what the world does with it, as well.

Andy Warhol seems to "make statements" more often than Lady Gaga does, by way of actually coming out and saying it, but Lady Gaga has definitely had her own causes that she champions and speaks on behalf of.

For more similarities (and a few differences we've found) listen to the episode through UVU's iTunes U page. Just look for the Arts & Facts icon!

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