
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Episode 52: Steampunk

Carrie and I may have geeked out on Steampunk just a little. It happens when you spend your days, nights and the wee hours of the morning studying art and art history…it’s a curse of the obsessed!

I know I wouldn’t mind a corset and a top hat and maybe a monocle just to finish off the outfit! The clothes are amazing, so are the fictional and functional machines that creative minds design and build. I’m sure H.G. Wells and Jules Vern would be in hog heaven, there’s no doubt about it! But where did the whole idea of Steampunk come from? Where did the name come from and where is this all going?

You’ll have to listen to the podcast and find out! (It’s all a part of our dastardly plan…mwahahahah!)



Aeroflorale II by French artists Compagnie La Machine, Dessau, Germany

Spider by Compagnie La Machine

Forevertron Park by Tom Every “Dr Evermore” 1983

1987 cover art by Wayne Barlowe

2011 cover art by John Coulthart

You can check out Carrie’s favorite Steampunk jewelry Etsy shop here.

Next week our newest podcast member Lauren and I talk about Art Restoration! There’s a new episode up every Wednesday and now our Short but Sweet episodes will be up every Monday starting February 11th, so make sure and check it out.

See you then,

Monday, January 28, 2013

We're in the Paper!

Arts and Facts met with Natalie Sullivan, Assistant News Editor, of the Utah Valley University newspaper last week. We talked about the podcast and our goals for the future, and today we found ourselves on the front page of the UVU Review! What an exciting day! We've worked so hard on Arts and Facts and have so much passion for art history- well, it's been amazing to be recognized for all that hard work. Thank you Natalie for your very nice article. You can read it here.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

A&F Short but Sweet: Episode 01 Anna Atkins

Today we are debuting our newest podcasting venture, Arts and Facts: Short but Sweet. Short but Sweet are five minute or shorter podcasts on more specific topics than we can tackle in a full length podcast. We think these topics are really interesting, and may give our listeners more insight into people, places, techniques, vocabulary, etc. etc. that wouldn't normally be able to be covered in depth in the podcast.

We hope you enjoy our first episode today, and please leave us a comment with any topic suggestions! We love to hear from our listeners.

Chloe Harris talks about Anna Atkins, a botanist who is considered the first female photographer, and the first photographer to publish a book of photography.

Below are some images from her book.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Episode 51: Rococo and the Whimsical

The Rococo style originated in France in the early 18th century and was largely a reaction to the strict lifestyle required by Louis XIV during his 72 year reign. 

Jean-Honoré Fragonard, The Meeting , 1771-73

After Louis’ death the nobles, who had been required to move to Versailles during Louis’ lifetime, decided to return to Paris where all the fun was. They built and remodeled homes and decorated them in the opulent, over the top style that we now call Rococo. 

Jean-Honoré Fragonard, The Swing, 1766

Their paintings were full of painterly, pastel scenes with little to no moral value which was criticized by the working class of the time. After all, while the French Elite were living scandalous lives, the working class were starving, and dying of rampant illness and being taxed at up to 80% of their income.

Wies Church, Bavaria, late 1740’s.
Salon de la Princesse, Hôtel de Soubise, Paris, 1737-40

It’s fair to say that Rococo was one of the final insults that lead to the French Revolution. But that’s not to say it wasn’t a fantastically beautiful artistic style!

Tune in next week for another brand new episode! 

If you have topics in art history you're just itching to hear more about, leave us a comment or email us at:

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Episode 50: Cereal Box Art

Who knew cereal boxes could be such a source of artistic creation and inspiration? Apparently these artists did!

From Micheal Albert, who created the 'Cerealism' movement (that's art made with cereal boxes if you weren't sure). To Guillermo Fajardo (we mistakenly named the wrong artist in the podcast, our apologies) who has reimagined the front of cereal boxes, from Captain Crunch to Trix.

Did we mention the sea worthy canoe, or the Gettysburg Address made of cereal boxes? The list could go on and on.

In the mean time Julia's busy creating her own cereal box art which has inspired a contest here on Arts and Facts!

Here's the deal, create a unique piece of art using cereal boxes, take a picture of it and post it on our Facebook page here. (We'd love it if you liked us on Facebook too!) A month from now, on February 16th a winner will be announced and a prize will be awarded.

Since this is an impromptu contest we don't know what the prize will be yet, but we'll think of something fairly cool and let you know what it is!

Michael Albert

Rachel Perry Welty, Lost In My Life

Michael Albert

All the images below are by Guillermo Fajardo

Don't know who created this canoe, but it's pretty cool.

Next week Julia and, our newest member, Megan will be talking about Rococo! Tune in and check it out! We have a new episode up every Wednesday.

You can access all of our past episodes at iTunes U.

If you have topics in art history you're just itching to hear more about, leave us a comment or email us at:

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Episode 49: Favorite Photographers- Marie's Farewell Episode

This week on Arts and Facts:

Marie Teemant had an idea to start an art history podcast at Utah Valley University. She gathered a team of fellow students who loved art history as much as she did and worked really hard to make her vision a reality. 

This is Marie's final episode with Arts and Facts, and as is tradition here at the podcast, she got to pick the topic for her farewell episode. Of course it was photography!

BRETT WESTON- Jo's favorite photographer

CIG HARVEY- Chloe's favorite photographer

View Cig Harvey's portfolio here

YOUSUF KARSH- Julia's favorite photographer

See Yousuf Karsh's portfolio on his website, here

JOYCE TENNESON- Marie's favorite photographer

See Joyce Tenneson's portfolio on her website, here

We'll all miss Marie here at Arts and Facts, but we know she has great things in store for her! If you'd like to see Marie's work you can view her portfolio at 

Tune in next week to learn more about the fascinating world of Cereal Box art. Who knew?

You can access all of our episodes at iTunes U.
If you have topics in art history you're just itching to hear more about, leave us a comment or email us at:

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Episode 48: Folk Art

In this weeks episode of Arts and Facts:

Defining 'Folk Art' is pretty difficult, as Marie and Julia came to find out.  In this episode they have a minor smack down over what can be defined as 'Folk Art', but it's all in good fun.

One interesting aspect of Folk Art is that it is not influenced by academic circles or movements, which both Julia and Marie agree, is an interesting and meaningful benefit to the art form.

The following artists are from the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920's and 30's:

Romare Beardon, 
Romare Beardon

Sargent Johnson
Lois Mailou Jones

Grant Wood was a Midwestern artist who came to be classified as a regional artist.

Grant Wood, Young Corn
Grant Wood, American Gothic

Grant Wood, Stained Glass

Examples of Antique Folk Art:

Examples of folk art from non-western cultures:

Next week will be Marie's farewell episode, so of course we have to talk photography! Tune in to listen to the podcast teams favorite photographers and some of their most loved work.

If you have topics in art history you're just itching to hear more about, leave us a comment or email us at: