
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Episode 49: Favorite Photographers- Marie's Farewell Episode

This week on Arts and Facts:

Marie Teemant had an idea to start an art history podcast at Utah Valley University. She gathered a team of fellow students who loved art history as much as she did and worked really hard to make her vision a reality. 

This is Marie's final episode with Arts and Facts, and as is tradition here at the podcast, she got to pick the topic for her farewell episode. Of course it was photography!

BRETT WESTON- Jo's favorite photographer

CIG HARVEY- Chloe's favorite photographer

View Cig Harvey's portfolio here

YOUSUF KARSH- Julia's favorite photographer

See Yousuf Karsh's portfolio on his website, here

JOYCE TENNESON- Marie's favorite photographer

See Joyce Tenneson's portfolio on her website, here

We'll all miss Marie here at Arts and Facts, but we know she has great things in store for her! If you'd like to see Marie's work you can view her portfolio at 

Tune in next week to learn more about the fascinating world of Cereal Box art. Who knew?

You can access all of our episodes at iTunes U.
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