
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Episode 60: Greek Hellenistic Sculpture

Our special guest, Dr. Catherine Taylor, joins Megan and Lauren to discuss Greek Hellenistic sculpture. 
The Hellenistic period spanned from 323-146 BCE. The movement is thought to have begun with the death of Alexander the Great in 323. Compared to previous Greek sculpture Hellenistic sculpture is much more dramatic and lively. Laocoon and His Sons, along with other Hellenistic sculptures heavily influenced many Italian Renaissance sculptors including Michelangelo. 

Laocoon and His Sons early 1st century CE

Dying Gaul, marble copy 230-220 BCE

Nike of Samothrace, 190 BCE

Barberini Faun, 220 BCE

Apollonius, Boxer at Rest, 100-50 BCE., bronze

Next week Julia and Chloe will be starting our special series focusing on Baroque art with Italian Baroque: The Basics

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All of our previously recorded episodes can be found at iTunes U

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