
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Episode 61: Italian Baroque: The Basics

Today we are really excited to start what is going to be a really great mini series all about Baroque art. We have divided up the period by region and are starting off today with Italian Baroque with Julia and Chloe! 

It would be impossible to talk about Baroque art with out mentioning the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation. The art from the period, especially the art produced in Italy, was heavily influenced by the Council of Trent.

There were two branches of Italian Baroque: the Carraci brothers and the students of their academy, and Caravaggio and the Caravaggisti who were the stylistic followers of Caravaggio. Caravaggisti, isn't that a great word! To learn more about Caravaggio listen to Episode 15

Bargellini Madonna, 1588 Lodovico Carraci
Farnese Ceiling, Triumph of Bacchus, 1597-1600, Annibale Carracci
Massacre of the Innocents, 1611, Guido Reni
Santa Maria della Pace, 1657, Pietro de Cortona
Rape of the Sabine Women, 1627-29, Pietro da Cortona
The Calling of St. Matthew, 1599, Caravaggio
Doubting Thomas, 1601, Caravaggio

Besides all of the wonderful painters, there were also some amazing sculptors and architects like Bernini and Borromini. Episode 41 is all about them and the rivalry that build Rome.  

Ecstasy of St. Theresa, 1652, Bernini
Apollo and Daphne, 1621, Bernini
San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, 1630, Borromini

Come back next week, Jo and Chloe will be discussing Monet.

If you have any topics in art history you are interested in hearing more about, please email us at

All of our previous episodes can be found on iTunes U

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